Data & AI
to make better and faster decisions
Contact us

Our bees collect, process and analyze valuable data for you.
We use cutting-edge machine learning techniques to produce key insights for your business.

About us

Our mission

We inform all types of organizations about their economic environment in order to guide their decision-making process.

Our values

Quality and innovation are the foundations of our company. We believe that we can truly empower our clients by providing them with tailor-made solutions to better leverage internal and external data.

Our team

AlphabeeZ was created in 2021 by two partners from the academic and private sectors:

Michel Page

Ex Researcher at INRIA

Ex Professor of Data Sciences at UGA

Tom Moritz

Ex Data Scientist & Analyst at Amazon

Our workflow

  • 1
    Kick-off meeting
    We capture your needs and constraints to define a tailor-made solution.
  • 2
    Solution proposal
    We propose a solution and its schedule. We offer a free MVP when facing new challenges.
  • 3
    We build the solution in collaboration with your POCs (expert users).
  • 4
    We review the main results and give you access to your product.


Data collection & engineering

  • Data harvesting
  • Data cleaning
  • Data transformation

Data Science & AI

  • Texts - Natural Language Processing
  • Images - Computer Vision
  • Supervised learning

Application development

  • Web application
  • API
  • Dynamic map
  • Email services

Our partners